Men Who Win
For several years, Steve served as one of the breakout speakers for the Men’s Conference at First Baptist Woodstock as they hosted one of the largest gathering of men in North America (approximately 11,000 attended annually). Men Who Win conferences pack four hours of in-depth teaching into a Friday evening and Saturday morning, providing an environment where issues are addressed pertaining primarily to guys. Unlike a typical Sunday worship service, this venue allows the men to be exposed to a transparent environment in which Steve talks about those “weights and sins” that so often prevent men from running the Christian race with the kind of endurance that enables them to finish faithfully. There are few problems in the church or in our culture that could not be quickly solved if men would step up to assume their God-ordained calling as spiritual leaders. The statistics below, though brief and limited, only reinforce the overwhelming need for such conferences.
Consider the Following:
Kids without a dad are:
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances 9 times more likely to drop out of school 8 times more likely to drop out of school 5 times more likely to commit suicide
And they account for…
of all teenage murderers
of all teenage runaways
of children living in poverty
On any given Sunday morning, 50% of the men in the congregation are addicted to pornography.
In a study of professional executives, 88% had at least one affair.
The average man gives less than 3% to the cause of Christ.
And this is only a partial picture, but it largely accounts for the moral decline being experienced by America.
The question is not “Why should we schedule a men’s conference,” but more importantly, “Why should we NOT schedule such a conference?”
Some of the guys attending will give their lives to Christ. Others return home as better fathers and husbands. Others will take their walk to a deeper level.
Bottom line: the church will be the beneficiary.
What churches say aboutMen Who Win
Dr. Steve Hale is a great evangelist, preacher, revivalist, and author. He is a great asset to the Men’s Ministry here at First Baptist Woodstock, Georgia where he serves as our Staff Evangelist. Having effectively ministered to thousands of men, Dr. Hale has been a key speaker in leading breakout sessions for the past several years at the Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference. Without reservation, I enthusiastically recommend Dr. Hale to your church and ministry. You will be exposed to the same in-depth teaching and passionate spirit to which we have grown accustomed.
If you have an opportunity to have Steve Hale conduct a Men Who Win conference, do not delay. Steve handled every aspect of his time in our church with great integrity. We saw our men challenged, inspired, and convicted by the sessions Steve led. Steve has a grasp on what is happening in today’s culture, what is going on in the lives of men, and what they need to understand, skillfully teaching and applying the Word of God to the most crucial areas of a man’s life. I told our church the following Sunday that I felt as if I were being fed at a spiritual buffet, but instead of choosing items, I needed all that was offered. Several days after this conference, we are still talking about the impact of Steve’s time with us. My staff said, “We must bring him back.” One of my laymen wrote to me, “Dr. Hale is a man for our time to speak to the hearts of men.” Another layman wrote, “Pastor, I just wanted to pass along my heartfelt thanks for having Steve Hale here this weekend. It was inspiring to say the least. He carried the touch of God in every speaking opportunity.” Without reservation or hesitation, I recommend his ministry to you.
We recently had Steve Hale come and lead on of his Men Who Win conferences as well as preach on Sunday. To say the least, it was one of the best weekends that I have ever experienced in ministry. Steve has the unique and rare ability to speak to men with the edge of a prophet combined with the heart of a pastor. He boldly challenged our men in their walk with Christ and also lovingly encouraged and exhorted them in the things of God—I assure you that your men will respond to Steve positively! Additionally, Steve stayed over to preach on Sunday and did a masterful job of drawing the net without manipulation and a number of people gave their hearts to Christ. On Sunday night he preached a message on the condition of our country that should be a required listen for every Christian in our country. Steve has a keen insight and discernment as to where we are as a nation and how we as the church should respond. I urge you to not delay in booking Steve to minister in your church—you will not regret it!