About Us
Thanks so much for taking time out of your schedule to visit our site! We are honored that you have done so and hope you’ll be encouraged as you browse through the various facets of our ministry. It is our mission to take the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to a nation that has lost its moral compass.
Indeed, the United States is now the third largest unchurched nation in the world, just behind China and India. By targeting the churches of our Land for renewal, challenging tens of thousands of students in school assemblies, and motivating men to assume their role as godly leaders, we believe these three key components have the potential of igniting the spiritual awakening for which countless thousands are praying.
Likewise, as we pursue His vision for such an awakening, with open arms we welcome and encourage your supportive partnership. Indeed, SHEA has been the recipient of God’s amazing grace throughout 45 years of ministry. It is our prayer that you see a reflection of His faithfulness on every page of this site. To Christ alone belongs all the glory!
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About Steve

From the back roads of rural America to the nation’s concrete metropolitan jungles, since August 1979 Dr. Steve Hale has been recognized as one of Southern Baptist’s most effective evangelists. Growing up in western Kentucky, Dr. Hale graduated from Murray State University with a degree in journalism and completed his Master’s of Divinity at Southwestern Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. After spending 13 years in Evansville, Indiana as the state’s only resident Southern Baptist evangelist, Dr. Johnny Hunt invited Steve to relocate and base his ministry out of the dynamic First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Georgia. Since 1992, Dr. Hale has served as a Staff Evangelist of this 15,000-member congregation. Dr. Hunt said, “Steve has been used mightily here at First Baptist Woodstock in preaching to our people and seeing such a marvelous harvest.”
Throughout his ministry, Dr. Hale has been invited to preach on the program of state evangelism conferences and the Southern Baptist Pastor’s Conference. He was also honored to preach at Southwestern Seminary’s campus revival. Being the world’s largest theological institution, then president Dr. Ken Hemphill said, “God has gifted Steve with penetrating insight into the needs of the church and exceptional preaching ability. We experienced a marvelous manifestation of God’s power when Steve preached our seminary revival.” After preaching at the Texas State Evangelism Conference, Dr. Don Cass, Director of Evangelism for the state wrote, “I have heard many outstanding evangelists, but none better than Steve Hale. This humble man of God is the ‘best of the best.’”
In 2007, Dr. Hale wrote and published his first book, Truth Decay, which has received outstanding reviews. Dr. Ed Hindson, Vice-Chancellor of Liberty University commented, “Truth Decay is one of the best books that I have ever read. If you have one book to read in the coming year, this should be the one.” Dr. Gerald Harris, editor of the Christian Index, observed that “Truth Decay is one of the most profound, yet disturbing books, that I have read in recent years.” Dr. Johnny Hunt simply stated, “This is a MUST-read.” Dr. Hale has been invited to preach the signature message of Truth Decay in the pulpit of First Baptist Woodstock and also was a featured speaker at their annual men’s conference in 2009 in which over 10,000 were in attendance. Dr. Hale’s latest work, entitled MANswers, is a book just for guys about the issues men face on a daily basis and is a great tool for accountability groups as well as personal instruction.
Having served two terms as national president for the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists, Dr. Hale’s deep concern is for reaching a culture in which 75% of adults deny the existence of absolute truth and for seeing the Church in America restored to its first love, Jesus Christ. A major emphasis of Dr. Hale’s ministry is also in speaking to tens of thousands of students each year in school assemblies. His popular “Be a Winner” presentation has gained the accolades of school administrators throughout the nation.
Since many of America’s social and moral concerns are traced back to fatherless homes, an important facet of Dr. Hale’s ministry in recent years has been conducting men’s conferences. Dr. Hale claims that “Men are called to be leaders, leaders in our homes, our churches, and our communities. We have abdicated our role as leaders and have been rendered powerless by our compromising moral standards. Pornography and sexual affairs have assaulted our homes and the culture has inundated men with a convincing value system that appeals to the flesh. Thus, we have a generation of young fathers and husbands who are operating on an agenda that God never initiated nor sanctioned, but the result is an unprecedented moral freefall that is leaving carnage strewn across the landscape of this nation. Millions of families are in deep pain and it is most often traced to men who have embraced misplaced priorities.”
Everywhere I go I hear overwhelming reports of Steve’s graciousness of how he is the easiest evangelist to work with, but yet so Christ-honoring. I’m not surprised. That’s all I’ve ever seen in his life. Steve has been used mightily here at First Baptist in preaching to our people and seeing such a marvelous harvest.
Without hesitation, I believe Steve Hale is one of the top five evangelists in all of America. His giftedness as a Spirit-empowered evangelist is readily apparent. His many years of moral and financial integrity have few equals. During his time with us each service, was packed to capacity and saw 122 professions of faith. As a pastor of 23 years who has used many evangelists, I recommend Steve Hale without reservation.
Steve was used mightily in our midst. In the 31 years that I have been Abilene’s pastor, we had the largest crowds that we have ever had in a revival and our people responded to Steve’s ministry in a wonderful way. You will find Steve Hale to be well-prepared and totally committed to the task to which the Lord has called him. I urge you to seriously consider inviting him to your church.
In a day when the revival methodology is being questioned and disregarded by many pastors, our experience with Steve Hale would cause any skeptical pastor to reconsider. Attendance was outstanding, the Spirit was vibrating with expectancy, and the many professions of faith left us with much work to done. Yes, revivals still work and Steve’s preparation manual is one of the best to help make it a reality.
Over the years, Steve Hale has proven to be a man of God who loves God, his family and the Church. His integrity and moral life is beyond reproach which is witnessed in his personal and professional life. Steve has the ability to bridge the different generations with the message of the gospel. These are just a few reasons that Steve was invited to preach at our state evangelism conference and was well-received by our pastors.
It has been my privilege to know Dr. Steve Hale for almost all of the 33 years he has served as a vocational evangelist. He has proven himself to be one of the most effective evangelistic harvesters among us today. He has a message with biblical depth and cultural relevance. Steve has preached in our small churches and mega-churches while also leading all types of area-wide crusades. He has become one of the leaders in the circle of evangelists and a bold spokesman for the need of vocational evangelists. I strongly encourage you to invite Steve Hale to use his gift in your church. You will be blessed as have the scores of church leaders who have used Steve in the past.
With all of today’s ‘marketing’ of church strategies, I still do not know of any where we see results like we did at the revival with Steve Hale. Steve, in my honest opinion, is one of the very best preachers in the country. God’s anointing and power are obviously upon him. I urge you to invite Steve to your church, and prepare for the best week of your church year.
When I prayed about inviting an evangelist to preach at Gardendale First Baptist Church, Steve was the first name that came to my mind. He has a unique way of engaging the congregation with anointed, Spirit-filled preaching of God’s Word! He is genuine and transparent. Our people love him and can’t wait for his return.
Dr. Steve Hale is the most outstanding preacher I have ever heard! His preaching is passionate and yet professional and polished. His messages are rich in content, practical, inspiring, convicting, and powerfully effective. His ministry made a great impact on our church and there were many lasting decisions for Christ. The most amazing thing about Steve Hale is how effectively he communicates to people of all ages. I simply cannot recommend him and his ministry highly enough.
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