“Over 90 decisions for salvation… revival crusades are seen as old-fashioned, if you partner with Steve Hale you will see some old-fashioned results.”
“…We continue to baptize those who responded to the Gospel that Steve Hale led in our Awakening. He preached the best sermon I have ever heard. My associate pastor and I benefitted greatly from time spent with Steve.”
“..Without a doubt, our time with Steve was the best revival meeting our church has ever been a part of. An 86-year old lady who has been a member for 64 years said, “I have not seen our church this full in 40-plus years. Steve has his hand on the culture of our young people today as 100 teenagers sat spellbound for 45 minutes as Steve preached. Call Steve Hale, then loose him and let him go. Lives will be change and your church will be blessed!
“…after a 26 year-pastorate, Steve has been with us on at least 10 occasions. I consider Steve Hale to be the consummate preacher, someone I never tire of hearing. Among my fond memories as a pastor will be our times with Steve Hale. I’ve made a friend for life.”
“…I have been a middle school educator for 30 years. Dr. Steve Hale’s assembly message is the best I have ever heard. Every student in America needs to hear him.”
“… Almost everywhere I go, people are talking about our revival.”
“…I have known Steve since our seminary days and have had him in all three churches where I have pastored. In each church, the hand of the Lord was obviously at work. Steve’s entire ministry is saturated with heart compassion and integrity. He will be a friend you can count on.”
“…In my 60-plus years of ministry, I have never met a finer preacher than Steve Hale.”
“…In my 24 years as pastor here at First Baptist, Steve Hale’s crusade was one of the greatest expe riences we have ever had. Every sermon is a vital experience for the hearers.”
“..God has anointed him with great power.”
“…We had, by far, the most effective revival meeting ever during my 20-plus years I have been at First Baptist. The was not only sustained, but built each night. We saw over 100 decisions for Christ and are still baptizing every Sunday.”
“…Without hesitation, I believe Steve Hale is one of the top five evangelists in all of America. His gift-edness as a Spirit-empowered evangelist is readily apparent. We saw 122 professions of faith.”
“…preached with the boldness of a prophet, the zeal of an evangelist, and the compassion of a pastor.”
“…In a wish-washy world it is good to know God has a preacher like Steve Hale. He has the backbone to preach the truth no matter what.”
“…In the 31 years that I have been Abilene’s pastor, we had the largest crowds that we have ever had in a revival. I urge you to seriously consider inviting him to your church.”
*..I can testify not only of the anointing of God on Steve’s life and on his preaching, but also on how easy he is to work with.”
“…Steve Hale stands shoulder to shoulder with today’s best preachers. His spirit is sincere and his walk with God is known everywhere.”
“…The ministry of Steve Hale is everything that pastors and evangelists have talked about. He is the best Bible-teaching evangelist I have heard.”
“…Steve Hale is anointed. The power of God is increasingly upon his life and ministry.”
“…l have heard many of the leading evangelists in America. Steve Hale is at the top of the list.”
“…The church has not had a move of God like this in almost three decades!”
“… have never worked with a more gifted and anointed evangelist. More people have been saved when Steve is our evangelist than with any other evangelist.”
“…I would assess Steve as more of revivalist than an evangelist, yet we still witnessed many professions of faith. He is a gifted, humble man of God and I want him back soon.”
“…I felt as if I were being fed at a spiritual buffet. We are still talking about the impact of Steve’s time with us. One of my laymen wrote to me, ‘Dr. Hale is a man for our time to speak to the hearts of men’ Another layman wrote, “Pastor, I just wanted to pass along my heart-felt thanks for having Steve Hale. It was inspiring to say the least. He carried the touch of God in every speaking opportunity.”
“…There were NO emotional appeals, yet we had 60 professions of faith! His follow-up book, Keep on the Winning Track, is the best I have ever used We baptized every Sunday for 7 weeks with additional decisions every service to date.”
“…In over 30 years of pastoral ministry, I have never had anyone minister more effectively. With unreserved enthusiasm I can say that your people will immensely benefit as they sit at the feet of this gifted man of God.”
“… have never heard a more powerful message to young people than the one Steve Hale preached.”
“…Steve Hale is one of the most anointed revival preachers in the Southern Baptist Convention. After you have used him, you will know that a man of God has been among your people.”
“…Steve addressed over 1,500 students in the public schools. What an outstanding job he did! Without exaggeration, by the end of the week I can say that we all had our cups filled to overflowing and many commented that this was the best revival in the history of our church.”
“… Steve is as effective as any evangelist I have seen or worked with.”
“Something unusual is happening when men take off from work early in order to attend revival services. People came weeping before the Lord Without any doubt, Steve Hale is one of God’s choice evangelists in America today. If you have him once, you will definitely make plans for his re-turn. Our attendance, even on Monday, was equal to Sunday morning’s attendance. This, of itself, speaks of the anointing upon Steve’s dynamic delivery.”
“…Steve Hale’s voice is a clarion call for the Church to wake up…”
“…One of the finest preachers of the Gospel today. He has a humble attitude which make him unique among present-day evangelists. I feel like I have found a friend for life.”-
“. when Dr. Steve Hale comes as your evangelist there’s nothing old-fashioned about it. We are a 145-year old church in a city of 4,500. Dr. Steve Hale brought a fresh word from God which rekindled a flame in the belly of First Baptist Church. God used him to wake up this old comfortable body of believers.”
“…God gave us record week-night attendance as well as an abundant harvest of souls. Upon becoming Missouri’s Evangelism Director, Steve was one of the first I invited to speak at our annual Evangelism Conference, Again, I wasn’t disappointed. I believe Steve has one of the best revival preparation manuals that you will find. Pastors and lay leaders overflowed his breakout session. Some told me it was the best part of Conference. I was revived and encouraged by spending time with Steve. He is a man on a mission!”
“…Dr. Steve Hale has been with our church on multiple occasions and without exception I have found him to be a servant of God who is always reliable to bring a strong word from God….l received more inspirational content from one session with Dr. Hale than two full days of conferences I just returned from. If you have not used this man of God, you are depriving your church family of a blessing.”
“…our church experienced the greatest revival in its history with Dr. Steve Hale. Steve is one of the most gifted, Spirit-anointed evangelists in America.”
“…record attendance for each service. School assemblies were great. Over 100 people received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The Awakening with Steve Hale changed the direction of our church. The baptistry is now active, attendance is now increasing, and the church is now experiencing vitality and growth. As a godly, anointed evangelist, the Lord has equipped Steve Hale for such a time as this.”
“…I have known Dr. Steve Hale for 12 years. He is a man of deep integrity. His communication skills are outstanding. He has a special gift to relate to both youth and adults. His skill in being comfortable in the school settings is remarkable. His understanding of the challenges of the local church in this era is notable.”
“…Steve is an excellent expositor of God’s Word. Our church family is still talking about the message he preached.”
“…from the very first service, it was obvious to me and our church family that Steve Hale had the anointing of God as he preached. Steve was bold, but at the same time humble in his delivery. He endeared himself to both the young and the old He was persuasive, but never manipulative. He works under your authority as pastor. He comes with my wholehearted recommendation.”
“..As a PK and a pastor of over 30 years, I have sat under many preachers, but Steve Hale is among best I have ever heard. He worked tirelessly… captivated the attention of 700 high school students Our week with Steve will long be remembered.”
“…After being in the pastorate for over 30 years, Dr. Steve Hale is the best preacher I have ever heard.”
“…Our church’s crusade with Steve Hale was one of the greatest revivals in our history.”
“… Steve Hale preaches with the boldness of the prophets of old but also with the tenderness and compassion of our Lord whom he serves. The best word in describing Steve is “anointed.”
“… Steve Hale has been with us tr power of God is all over him.”
“…Dr. Steve Hale is the most outstanding preacher I have ever heard! His preaching is passionate and yet professional and polished His messages are rich in content, convicting, and powerfully effective. The most amazing thing is how effectively he communicates with all ages. I simply cannot recommend him highly enough.”
“…There is a greater anointing on Steve’s ministry now than ever before. When he came to our church, the church has never been the same.”
*…I have known Dr. Steve Hale for all of the 40 years he has served as a vocational evangelist. He has proven himself to be one of the most effective harvesters among us today. He has a message of biblical depth and cultural relevance. I strongly encourage you to invite Steve Hale to use his gift in your church. You will be blessed as have the scores of church leaders who have used Steve.”
“…In five high school assemblies, Steve held the attention of the toughest kids you’ve ever seen.”
“…Steve Hale is undoubtedly one of the best I have heard in recent times. He has content like few preachers I know. He is dynamic and engaging.”
“…Steve’s preparation manual is one of the most thorough and effective that I have seen in my more than 40 years in ministry.”
“…The impact that Steve had on our youth ministry will be felt for many years to come. This revival meeting was the best we’ve ever seen.”
“…The attendance exceeded Sunday morning by a hundred.”
“…The best revival in my 12 years as pastor here.”
“… have never seen anyone with a heart for evangelism greater than Steve Hale.”
“… It has been my privilege to have Dr. Steve Hale in three different settings, the most recent in a city-wide crusade here in Huntsville, Alabama where I serve as Director of Missions. Steve did an absolutely amazing job of preaching the Gospel in this 8,300-seat Von Braun Center. Steve spoke in eleven school assemblies. I have seen God use Steve in extraordinary ways.”
“… It was one of the best weekend I have ever experienced in ministry. Steve has the unique ability to speak to men with the edge of a prophet combined with the heart of a pastor. Steve has a keen insight and discernment as to where we are as a nation and how we as the church should respond. I urge you, do not delay in booking Steve in your church.”
“…Wow! What God does through Steve Hale is bigger than everything else we do all year com-bined. We saw 87 public decisions for Christ. It was extraordinary how well each sermon wasted not a moment nor a breath in delivering scripture cita-tions, illustrations, and cogent stats that was nearly breath-taking to the listener. My student minister and I wondered privately whether Steve’s approach to teen evangelism was dated. Wow!!! Little did we know! You will absolutely NOT regret getting behind Steve’s approach to reaching today’s teens. I look forward to having Steve Hale back time and time again in the rest of my years in Gospel work.”
“..I could not and would not recommend Steve to you if I did not have the highest respect for his preaching, both delivery and content. He has a strong personal commitment to support the local pastor and bless the church.”
“…35 people made confessions of faith in Christ. The attendance every service looked like a Sunday morning service. In fact, on two nights our overflows rooms were opened. Our people continue to call it our best revival ever!”
“…truly anointed…We average around 100 for worship, but our attendance doubled with 23 people saved, including a 90-year old lady. From the moment he started preaching on the first day, I knew this man was anointed. Many senior adults testified that they had never seen God move so powerfully in their lifetime!”
“…God used Steve Hale in a magnificent way. He is a man of God who leaves your church in better condition than it was when he came. I particularly like his invitation. I like him immensely. We will certainly have him again.”
“…everywhere I go I hear overwhelming reports of Steve’s graciousness of how he is the easiest evangelist to work with, but yet so Christ-honoring I’m not surprised. That’s all I’ve ever seen in his life. Steve has been used here at First Baptist Woodstock in preaching to our people and seeing such a marvelous harvest.”
“…One of the finest evangelists in the country today. People who had not wept at the altar for years came forward broken before God. Souls were saved, family were reconciled, and the church was revived. This revival was an important milestone in the life of our church. People continue to testify that Steve led us in the best revival our church has ever experienced.”
“… Steve Hale’s book, Truth Decay, is one of the best books I have ever read. If you have one book to read in the coming year, this should be the one.”
“…Steve always brings God’s Word with power to current trends and current events.”
“… Dr. Steve Hale is a pastor’s friend. He has the people coming back to every service….has a convincing school assembly presentation…a special ability of relating to all ages…He spoke to over 5,000 students. The church experienced revival as we have not seen in years.”
“…What an awesome week! Our people have truly been revived! Steve preaches with such power, authority, and anointing that my people are asking when we will have him back. My answer is,’soon.'”
“…Steve Hale’s messages are from the heart of a man of God, from the mind of a student of God’s Word, and from the soul of a man on a mission with a passion to reach the lost. As a pastor of over 40 years who has had 68 revivals in my pastorates, I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Dr. Hale to you. His preparation manual is superb. Our revival with Dr. Steve Hale was a wonderful experience from start to finish. He is an anointed evangelist who has my admiration and respect for his expertise in evangelism.”
“…Steve Hale is one of the best evangelists in America and provided the very best men’s conferences we have ever had.”
“..The anointing of God is clearly upon Steve Hale’s life. He is very easy to work with. We saw several decisions for Christ.”
“… I wish nothing more than for our Oklahoma pastors and churches to encounter the manifest power of God’s presence such as we witnessed. Our church is small, approximately 100 in Sunday attendance. Yet, we saw almost 40 professions of faith. Our student body sat spellbound as Steve gripped their attention with his “Be A Winner” Pre-sentation. You will find Steve conducting himself with integrity both in and outside the pulpit.”
“…Dr. Steve Hale’s Be A Winner assembly was a big hit on our campus. Our students were riveted by this powerful presentation.”
“…Steve Hale is a Bible preacher of the highest rank.”
“…We experienced one of the best revivals in history with Steve Hale. Steve’s personal demeanor is refreshingly humble and genuine.”
“…Steve Hale is an extraordinarily effective preacher.”
“…When I prayed about inviting an evangelist to preach at Gardendale, Steve was the first name that came to my mind. He has a unique way of engaging the congregation with anointed, Spirit-filled preaching. Our people love him and can’t wait for his return.”
“…Steve Hale preached at our State Evangelism Conference. I have heard many outstanding evangelists, but none better than Steve Hale. He is obviously anointed by God. This humble man of God is the “best of the best” as an evangelist.”
“…Steve Hale is a great communicator as well as a great writer. He is a friend to pastors. With a keen understanding of the cultural battles we face, Steve’s preaching is bold and without apology. You will see people saved and hearts encouraged.”
*…Steve Hale, in my honest opinion, is one of the very best preachers in the nation. God’s anointing and power are obviously upon him. We saw 32 decisions for Christ. Invite Steve to your church and prepare for the best week of your church year.”
“…There is no evangelist on the world scene today that I have more confidence in than Steve Hale. He is creative and competent, godly and genuine, people-centered and results-oriented. For years Steve has rocked our nation with the impact of his message. You simply must contact Steve Hale to lead your city or area in a crusade.”
“… I had the honor of being the pastor of the same church for 39 years. Our time with Steve Hale was the best evangelism effort in those 39 years. There is still a sense of revival among our people and a joy over what we saw the Lord do. Steve came with a humble and cooperative spirit. His preaching was profoundly biblical and powerful.”
“…Wow! That and many other spiritual terms describes the impact of Steve Hale’s integrity-laden ministry among us… mega-effective….top-drawer integrity….a contagious communicator!”
“…Our people responded in record numbers to every service. Attendance reached 90% of normal Sunday attendance. We are still seeing the harvest!”
“…When Steve preached our seminary revival, we experienced a marvelous manifestation of God’s power.”
“…Dr. Steve Hale is a prophetic voice to the needs of our day. He has preached for me and I’ve watched God use him in great ways. He understands our country and our needs.”
“…The church had given up on the idea of revivals as a viable method of evangelism. We had great crowds. Steve is a brilliant expositor of the Word.”
“… I have known most of the men who have distinguished themselves in vocational evangelism. I can quickly sum up what I believe about Steve Hale in one word… INTEGRITY!”
“…Steve spoke to 4,000 students with 400 attending our pizza blast and many making salvation decisions.”
“…I was overwhelmed. Never in the history of our church have we seen a movement of God such as this. On a rainy Monday night we had to put church in the aisles to accommodate the crowd By Tuesday evening, we had to use closed circuit TV with attendance exceeding Sunday morning by one hundred. We saw 64 professions of faith in one service alone and over 80 for the week. It will be a week that our people will not soon forget.”
“…over 100 public professions of faith….Dr. Hale proved to be a man of spiritual depth and integrity with a sensitivity towards to the needs of the local church.”
“…Dr. Steve Hale’s ministry serves as a refutation to the notion that the day of using revivals in local churches has come to an end. His ability to connect the truth of Scripture to the modern problems we are facing today brings conviction to both the lost and the saved alike.”
“…one of the finest Gospel preachers I have ever had. I have had many vocational evangelists through the years, but none I have been more pleased with than Steve Hale.”
“… my 45 years of being in the pastorate, I have never had an evangelist whom I appreciated more than Steve Hale.”
“…We have just finished our second revival with Steve Hale. It was the most anointed meeting during my 25 years of ministry. We saw over 50 people make professions of faith. Never have I been more pleased with an evangelist than I am with Steve Hale.”
“…there is not a more gifted and passionate evangelist in our fellowship that God is using more than He is using Steve. He is anointed in a very special way and God has His undeniable hand upon him.”
“… was so overjoyed that I want to spread the word to other pastors. Steve preached powerful expository biblical messages that really moved our people. While we had a large number saved, the greatest impact was in bring our own people face to face with their need to repent. Many had significant spiritual breakthroughs.”
“…One of the most effective communicators I have ever heard.”
“..Steve ability to speak to and relate to youth and children is unsurpassed. In my opinion, he is one of the most anointed evangelists in America today.”
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